Lisa Settles ~ President
(Profile Coming Soon)

Lelah Sullivan ~ Vice President

Lelah Sullivan is the author of several dog training books that use a unique method of training which she calls the Sullivan method. The Sullivan Method is the method of training which she learned from her Uncle Joseph, who taught Lelah to help him train Circus dogs over 50 years ago.
Training Circus Animals needed a different approach than was possible with most methods of dog training (both then and now) – imagine jerking on the leash and ordering a 600 pound bear to ride a bicycle!
Lelah’s childhood experience of learning to train dogs and other animals for the Circus is what planted and nurtured the seed of all that is today Your Service Dog Inc.
Lelah has over 50 years of experience as a professional trainer (and is also a life coach) which has shaped and molded her into the wonderful, strong, and caring person she is.
When a trauma which Lelah suffered left her needing a Service Dog, she trained a Service Dog for herself, then began to invest her time and energy into helping others to find relief from their disability challenges through the use of highly trained Service Dogs.
Lelah saw so many people in need, and she also saw how few Service Dogs were available as well as how expensive they are. Many people suffering from a disability can not afford what it costs to purchase a Service Dog, in spite of the great need for the assistance of a Service Dog in their daily lives.
Lelah dedicated the rest of her life to helping people train their own Service Dogs and even personally trained and placed a number of Service Dogs with people who, for various reasons, were not able to train a dog themselves.
To help fill this need, Lelah’s first Training Book, “Training Your Own Full Potential Service Dog®” was born, and from that grew more books, a website, and a Facebook Group, to provide a global outstretched supportive and friendly hand to people everywhere to help disabled individuals to grow to their Full Potential by training them to create their own Full Potential Service Dog.
This is the Vision: Your Service Dog Inc serving people worldwide is the Dream Child of the Founder of Your Service Dog Inc (Lelah Sullivan) and she invites everyone to be part of the family that is embraced globally by so many disabled people seeking to train their own Service Dog, and is known affectionately by them as the YSDI Family.

Della Coburn ~ Secretary

Cassandra Woodard ~ Treasurer

Cassandra Woodard serves on the YSDI board of directors as Treasurer, and is also in charge of enrollment for the online school.

If you’re interested in volunteering with Your Service Dog Inc, please fill out our Volunteer Interest Form.