
Your Service Dog Inc is a

501 (3) c Non-Profit organization

There is a Loving, Caring, Family Spirit in Your Service Dog Inc from the Board of Directors to the newest Volunteer, with each person being nurtured and valued as an integral part of our global family.

We have a Wonderful staff of Volunteers, most of whom wear several hats to help keep YSDI running smoothly.

An Organization is like the gears of a watch – there are many parts with different functions, and all are necessary for the watch to operate properly. The Board, the Executive Director, and all the Volunteers (all the other “cogs and gears” of this “watch”) work together, playing their part in creating an awesome future for people with Service Dogs all over the globe.

YSDI Volunteers all cooperate together to help create Full Potential Service Dogs, and the Service Dogs in turn help the person they serve to live life to their full potential too!

On these pages you will find some of our Amazing Volunteers who Graciously give of their love time and expertise to make YSDI the fast growing global family it is today and we greatly appreciate all that they do.