Don’t have time to Volunteer?

As a Non-profit we rely on Volunteers and donations from generous people like you. These donations go toward running the Nonprofit and the wonderful programs and services we provide to people who need help. The programs that you can donate to are listed below.

Prospect Evaluation & Placement Program
This program selects suitable candidate puppies (or sometimes mature dogs) from shelters, rescues, or by donation. During the evaluation period, the dog lives with and is cared for by a YSDI Evaluator. As we assess the dog’s suitability while s/he is taught the Prospect Evaluation course at Your Service Dog School. Those puppies and Dogs who make it through the Evaluation period of our intensive training Program and are deemed suitable candidates to be placed as Service Dog In Training Prospects are then placed with a carefully selected compatible Human Partner. The puppies or dogs who don’t make the grade in our Program are placed as Emotional Support Animals or Companion Dogs.

First Responders Program
In addition to other services such as helping our First Responders achieve their Full Potential through events, special courses, and activities for First Responders and their Service Dogs, First Responders may also apply to receive benefits from Your Service Dog Inc’s Prospect Placement and Evaluation Program (when assessed SDiT’s are available) and we also help First Responders with Service Dog gear when funds permit and the placement of fully trained Service Dogs when available.

Veterans Program
The V.E.T.S. Program is designed to focus on needs that are specific to disabled Military Veterans. Our vision is to increase the quality of life through personal and community encounters, and assist the Veterans to train their own Full Potential Service Dog to help mitigate their disabilities. Our Military Veterans also benefit from our Prospect Evaluation and Placement program, and we have just recently placed a puppy with a Military Veteran in need of an Service-Dog-in-Training Prospect. We assist Veterans with Service Dog gear when funds permit and the placement of fully trained Service Dogs when available (for those who for various reasons are not able to train their own dog).

BookGift Program
In this program we provide (to people who inform us that they cannot afford the cost of a Training Book) Gifted e-Books which provide instructions and a step-by-step training sequence to follow, to teach people how to train their Service Dog using the Sullivan Method of Training.

School Tuition
Through Your Service Dog School we provide courses and one-on-one Trainers who are always ready to help students with any problems they may encounter or questions they may have regarding the course. A sliding scale scholarship is in place to insure that the course is available to all at an affordable cost. This program is for our school student’s who can not afford the full tuition or even the total after scholarship is applied.

General Fund
This fund is for general operating costs the Nonprofit incurs throughout the year.