Cassandra Woodard ~ Assistant Executive Director

Cassandra Woodard has been serving YSDI as an Assistant Executive Director and is in charge of enrollment for the online school. Cassandra has now additionally taken on the role of Treasurer, which is also a position on the Board of Directors. She has formed wonderful personal working relationships, she is honest, trustworthy, and a great help to YSDI.

Mary Walshe ~ Assistant Executive Director
Head Mistress & Training Coordinator

Mary Walshe is an excellent trainer, well versed in the Sullivan Method of Training.Mary Walsh has been serving YSDI as Head Mistress and Trainer Coordinator of Your Service Dog School, and she helped to found the BookGift Project. Mary also serves in the capacity of Assistant Executive Director. Mary Walsh has been serving YSDI as Head Mistress and Trainer Coordinator of Your Service Dog School, and she helped to found the BookGift Project.

Rebecca Mather ~ Assistant to the Assistant Executive Director

Rebecca is an honest, intelligent, warm, kind, and caring lady of many talents.
I love reading through Rebecca’s posts and am uplifted by her positivity and the way she seeks to nurture and instill a loving, caring family spirit in YSDI. Rebecca is always among the first to greet new members to the page with that lovely hearty welcome; “Spike and I welcome you to the pack…”
Rebecca, we are honored to have such a devoted and loyal volunteer and today we in YSDI congratulate and welcome you and Spike to the pack in your new role as Assistant to the Assistant Executive Director.

Teresa Hale Sawyer ~ Marketing Manager

Teresa is yet another of our industrious Volunteers who has worked with me on some projects and who generously offers her talents and time in the service of Your Service Dog Inc. Volunteering her time and talent to be our Marketing Manager, Teresa has a passion for promoting YSDI and the Sullivan Method. A fifteen year veteran in the service dog world, she is keeping her fingers on the pulse and thrives to make the Sullivan method number one for service dog training. Her heart is working with Labrador rescues to give homeless labs a job in this world.

Elizabeth Crawford ~ Book Promoter and FB Moderator

Lily Pop ~ Marketing Department & Apprentice Website Editor

Bridget Foust ~ Marketing Department

Chrystal Coffey ~ FB Moderator, Book & School Promoter, and Apprentice Trainer

If you’re interested in volunteering with Your Service Dog Inc, please fill out our Volunteer Interest Form.