“My full and honest review:
I am a graduate of following the Lelah Sullivan Training Your Own Full Potential Service Dog: Book 1 (& 2). I have now have an ADA Compliant Service Dog, on whom I can count.
As graduates of Lelah Sullivan’s methods, Holly and I have become a good, strong, working team, with confidence. Holly has learned to figure out situations and experiences for herself (Yes! This first book has teaching methods which encourage Free Thinking!) Without Ms. Sullivan’s training methods and this book, we wouldn’t be where we are today. I wouldn’t be driving again. I wouldn’t have a companion who is an ADA compliant Service Dog.
The Book is a FOUNDATIONAL BOOK to help guide the appropriate dog toward becoming a FREE THINKING FULLY POTENTIATED SERVICE DOG.
Though one may perceive that the book it is about BASIC OBEDIENCE that IS NOT THE PURPOSE of the book. It is meant to help a SERVICE DOG TEAM learn working together and the foundation that it necessary to become a SERVICE DOG TEAM. The “daily games” lay a foundation for FREE THINKING and FREE RESPONSES and PREDICTIVE BEHAVIOR to individual disability needs.
The author stresses that after all of the “games” are accomplished and firmly rooted in the Team Work, that applying the same techniques to individual disability needs will now be more easily possible.
There IS plenty of Encouragement between the pages, AND it is obvious that the author knows dogs and working with dogs and doesn’t expect every dog to learn at the same pace or the every handler to be able to communicate perfectly.
To supplement THE BOOKS, the author offers FREE Facebook Help and Available Private Coaching.
The author offered a free coaching with the edition that I purchased.
I took advantage of that. The author was personal, very responsive, extremely helpful … The quality of support provided was excellent. AND it was not a “come on” to make further purchases. It was honest, altruistic, helpful information.
It is true that 30 days is mentioned in the title.
Yet if actually works the book and follows the “Learning games” outlined on each day, one will realize that the author stresses that different dogs and handler teams learn at different paces. She provides 30 days worth of varying “games”, stressing that on Day 1 do this. Repeat Day One activities until you find that you are both getting it. Then add Day 2 games, while reinforcing Day 1. Continue with Day 2 and Day 1 until you are both getting it. Then add Day 3, while reinforcing and continuing Days 1 & 2.
This means that some teams may be on Day 3 on the third day, while others may not get to Day 3 until 3 weeks later.
The author stresses that even well skilled teams who might have entered with a higher level of skills should take AT LEAST 30 DAYS to fully complete all games; accomplishing each game, fully, before adding the next. Holly and I zipped through many of the games and “got stuck” on others for several days before we felt confident to move on. The author stresses to move at AN ACCOMPLISHING PACE and not hurry when an activity is giving the team a challenge.
It can cost, easily, $20,000 – $45,000 (which is what someone I know just paid) to obtain and have a Service Dog Trained. I don’t have even a few hundred of what is necessary. $9.99 is an AMAZINGLY INEXPENSIVE INVESTMENT in getting the foundation of training a Full Potential Service Dog.
The book is not meant to be read and put aside.
It is meant as an EVERY DAY FOLLOW GUIDE filled with the steps, activities, games that it takes to bring a dog to full Service Dog Potential. It is meant to BE USED EVERY SINGLE DAY as the team progresses together in learning. It is meant to BE USED EVERY SINGLE DAY until the team is ready to graduate to the next level of individual service tasks needs, AND THEN IT IS MEANT TO BE REFERRED TO as a way to modify previously learned games to accomplish the individually needed tasks.
It is the exact opposite of a steep price. It is a value beyond belief.
For less than a couple designer coffees or trips to a fast food joint, a person who needs mitigation with a disability can be well on the way to having a Fully Functioning Service Dog Team for $9.99, instead of $20,000 to $45,000!
I PROMISE you that if you invest the $9.99 in your future, your return will be phenomenal.
Get the Book!
Work the Book!
Follow the Day’s exercise.
Take longer on the ones that you two are finding more challenging and move on when you have made accomplishments.
(** Ms. Sullivan’s books are available only in Kindle format.
You can download the FREE kindle app to read on your iphone, your android, and your computer. )
There are accompanying Free Facebook Groups to help those who are working the books, as well as her website, herself, for consultations, as well as other resources to help and guide you along the way.
I DON’T work for Lelah Sullivan.
I get NOTHING for referring you to Her Book, except for the good feeling of knowing how much it can help you. I know the difference that having a fully trained service dog has made in my life. I never thought that I could have one because I don’t even have a few hundred of the $20,000 – $45,00 it can take to have a service dog professionally trained.
What you need to get a strong Foundation to have a Service Dog is in THIS FIRST BOOK.
I also purchased and followed the methods of the 2nd Book:
Training Your Own Full Potential Psychiatric Service Dog (Book 2): Training Psychiatric Service Dogs – PTSD, Anxiety Disorders, and Depression (Training Your Own Service Dog) Kindle Edition
Holly can brings meds to me
Does nightmare interruption
Does Deep Pressure Therapy and Grounding
Can search for and bring my husband to me
Can find our car in the parking lot
and bring me to an exit
Alerts me BEFORE an attack
All of it began with getting and following Ms. Sullivan’s training methods.
Without This book, I would not have a Fully Functioning ADA Compliant Service Dog.5 out of 5 stars
Without this Book, I would not have the Service Dog I need! Leah Sullivan helped Save My Life!”
~Bettie-Jean Rivard-Darby

“When I first decided it was time to get a Service Dog to help improve my quality of life, I had no idea where to start, what the requirements were, the laws, etc. I did a ton of research and even applied for a program dog at a local Veteran service dog organization however, these program dogs can be upwards of $30,000 or more and “free” program dogs have lengthy weight lists. The closest program to my home was 3 hours away with a weekly requirement to meet up for training at the facility. I just simply couldn’t afford the long travel or to continue waiting.
I found Lelah’s books on Amazon and the reviews were amazing so I thought I’d give it a try. It’s been the BEST decision I could have made! The training books are easy to follow and the games are fun for me and my SDiT. I enrolled in the YSDI school and it really goes beyond the books to provide the individualized training and support I needed to train my SDiT. I highly recommend this course and Lelah’s books for training any dog, but the method used in the books really sets a strong foundation for teaching your SD anything!”
~ Andrew, 2018 YSDI Service Dog School Graduate