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Your Service Dog Inc is dedicated to enhancing the Quality of life for people with disabilities by helping them to train a Service Dog Partner to perform to the Dog’s full potential in order to provide superior Canine Assistance as well as providing services to Service Dog handlers to help the Handler learn to attain their full Human potential by utilizing Canine Assistance.

Some of our Programs are general enrollment and anyone with a disability may apply, and there are some Programs specific to Veterans whose disability is a direct result of War, and other programs are designed to address the needs of High-Risk Groups such as “First Responders” who have acquired their disability as aย  result of their duties.

When you contact us, we will help you choose the program which is right for you.

By the way, I used a โ€œblog templateโ€ to make this blog, so the dogs which are pictured above are not to my knowledge Service Dogs, but who knows? They could be, since Service Dogs come in all breeds and sizes!ย  ๐Ÿ˜€

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